Elena Ulko Blog

Business babies

Our business projects are like our babies, our sweet kids. They demand attention and time. And like any passionate mother, I am the one who gives a lot of love and my personal self to my business-kids. I love to see them grow, gain strength, call the attention of others and become trendy. I am truly proud.

I am not yet really ready to announce who all of them are. As an old saying goes, Happiness likes quietness.

However, one of them I am ready to share about.

In 2019 we are launching our new CRM. Not just any CRM. An unbelievably smart e-individual who will become our office assistant. Custom-made from scratch, all developed by myself and our excellent partner IT company. When I started thinking about what features I would ideally want our new office system to have, and when I started writing them down, at first I couldn't believe it could be accomplished. But after much research, countless sleepless nights, and brainstorms, we got it all on paper! Yay! And right now it has almost been born. Still a baby in a womb, but one that is kicking hard and showing power. Love it already so much! 2 years of intensive work. The new CRM will substantially simplify all customer request handling, document processing, tour management..and oh, so much more. Interested in learning more? Come and work for us. Hiring more travel professionals. Passionate and loyal.
2019-03-30 13:16 Business